Multicolored Beauty Kutek Contains Risk

Nails are one part of the body that gets women's attention. That is why the use of nail coloring or nail polish to enhance your appearance, a lot of choices. However, behind colorful nail polish turns out there are risks that can interfere with health. Nail polish is usually used on nails or toenails. Nail polish formulations have now undergone various changes, with the aim of maximizing decorative effects and reducing negative effects on nails. However, are the effects of nail polish on your health worth the beauty shown? Of the nail polish ingredients in general, there are three ingredients to watch out for, namely formaldehyde (formalin), toluene, and phthalates. Formaldehyde apparently can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, esophagus, and lungs. In addition, there is a known risk of cancer if exposure to these substances occurs in large quantities and for a long time. Almost the same as formaldehyde, toluene can cause irritation to the eyes, throat, and lungs. Some manufacturers have taken steps to replace phthalates, which are substances that are blamed for problems with the endocrine system and an increase in cases of diabetes in women.

To Avoid Pregnant Women

The use of cosmetic products in pregnant women, including nail polish, must be done with more caution. Therefore, health problems can also be experienced by the fetus in the womb. Toluene is said to trigger congenital abnormalities in infants and disrupt the nervous system. In addition, pregnant women must also be careful in choosing nail polish remover. Look for nail polish remover that doesn't contain acetone. Long-term exposure to acetone is likely to cause developmental disorders and birth defects.

Recognizing Conditions to Watch Out for

Some conditions to watch out for due to inhalation or swallowing and poisoning nail polish ingredients include:
  • Eye disorders, in the form of irritation or damage to the eye.
  • Indigestion, such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache.
  • Urinary and kidney disorders, in the form of excessive urination.
  • Lung disorders, such as difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Heart disorders and blood circulation, with symptoms of chest pain and irregular heartbeat.
  • Nervous system disorders, with symptoms of drowsiness, balance disturbances, coma, hallucinations, convulsions, difficulty walking until decreased consciousness.
Seek medical help immediately, if any of these symptoms occur after you use nail polish.

Efforts to Minimize Kutek Effect

Some things you can do to minimize the effects of nail polish, including:
  • Carefully choose nail polish that contains safe ingredients.
  • Open windows and doors before using nail polish.
  • Spread your arms as far away from the body as possible when drying nail polish.
  • Avoid blowing nail polish when drying it, because by blowing nails that are colored eat it is likely that you will inhale the nail polish chemicals.
  • Each time you finish using and removing nail polish, don't forget to wash your hands with water and soap to make sure there are no chemicals left.
Having an attractive appearance, including beautiful nails is nice indeed, but pay attention to the nail polish label before you use. Be sure to choose products that are safe so they don't interfere with health conditions.


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