If the body has excess lactic acid

Lactic acid is the rest of the body's metabolism that can accumulate when the body lacks oxygen. Lactic acid levels in the body can also increase due to several things, such as excessive exercise or certain health conditions. In medicine, excess lactic acid is referred to as lactic acidosis. What will happen if the production of lactic acid in the body increases? Is this condition dangerous? The answer depends on the cause. If excess lactic acid is caused by exercise, it is not dangerous. Basically, each person has a threshold of ability to perform physical activity (anaerobic threshold or lactate threshold). However, these thresholds can increase as you train your body by exercising regularly. Threshold can also be a benchmark for how healthy the heart and condition of a person's blood vessels. When you exercise lightly and are still below the lactate threshold, there is very little lactic acid to produce. The body also easily eliminates lactic acid. But when exercise intensity increases, lactic acid production will increase and make it accumulate in the blood and muscles. When the body's condition is too tired, the body will have difficulty removing the levels of lactic acid. Although not dangerous, you will feel discomfort and pain in the muscles due to a buildup of lactic acid. In addition, lactic acid which accumulates will also increase heart rate and make someone seem to run out of breath. You can reduce muscle pain by cooling down after exercising. This can help reduce levels of lactic acid as your heart rate decreases. Different if lactic acidosis is caused by a health condition. Damage to body tissues has the potential to occur. Lactic acid levels that are too high can also endanger the body and threaten lives.

Symptoms and Causes of the Body Excess Lactic Acid

Excess lactic acid in the body or lactic acidosis can cause some common symptoms, for example:
  • Severe fatigue or weakness.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Cramps or pain
  • The body feels weak.
  • Diarrhea, pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Headache.
However, there are several other symptoms due to excess lactic acid which is a medical emergency, namely:
  • Fruit-scented breath, this condition indicates a possible complication of diabetes called diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • Confusion.
  • Jaundice.
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Here are some health conditions that can make lactic acid levels increase.
  • Heart failure or heart disease.
  • Kidney illness.
  • Anemia.
  • Severe infection or sepsis.
  • Severe liver damage.
  • Cancer, like leukemia.
  • AIDS.
  • Severe lung disease or unable to breathe.
In addition to the conditions above, lactic acidosis can also be caused by alcohol poisoning (ethanol or methanol), severe dehydration, or taking drugs such as drugs for TB (isoniazid) or diabetes (metformin), and because the body lacks vitamin B1 or experiencing metabolic disorders. Excess lactic acid in the body that is not treated immediately can cause a variety of complications, including increased heart workload accompanied by decreased blood pH, heart rhythm disorders, and the worst is loss of life.

Lactic Acid Level Test

Lactic acid levels in the body can be determined by doing a blood test. In addition to checking the levels of lactic acid, this test can also be done to see whether the oxygen levels in the body's tissues are right and find out the cause of high levels of acid (low pH) in the blood. Normal lactic acid levels are less than 2 mmol / L. Blood samples for examination of lactic acid levels can be obtained from veins, and sometimes through arteries. The above levels are only considered as a reference. Usually, normal levels vary in each laboratory. Health conditions and other factors also affect normal levels of lactic acid in each person. It is recommended to do a test of lactic acid levels in veins so that the results are more optimal. But remember, test results may not be accurate if you exercise before the test, clench your hands when taking blood or taking samples using a tourniquet, taking alcohol, or taking certain drugs such as isoniazid and metformin.

Best Handling For Excess Lactic Acid Conditions

The best way to deal with lactic acidosis is to treat the underlying cause and treat the symptoms. The main treatment for medical emergencies is to increase the amount of oxygen in the tissues and provide intravenous fluids to reduce levels of lactic acid. Lactic acidosis caused by physical activity such as exercise can be overcome alone at home by stopping your activities, drinking water or electrolyte drinks to increase body fluids, and immediately resting. Consult this matter with your doctor to get complete information. And if you find symptoms of excess lactate which is a medical emergency, immediately go to the nearest emergency room to get further treatment.


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