In addition to being beneficial, blood transfusion is also risky

Blood transfusion is the process of delivering blood to your body. This medical step is carried out to save your life when the body lacks blood. Many benefits of blood transfusion. Even so, the risk you can accept is not small. In Indonesia, blood transfusion activities are managed by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). This organization collects blood bags from donors, then distributes them to hospitals or locations that need blood supply. Before being distributed, PMI will conduct serological examination analysis to test the feasibility of blood to be free of disease. After that, PMI will also do the separation of blood components namely red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma, depending on the type of blood needed. The blood transfusion process usually takes one to four hours depending on the composition of the blood received and how much blood you need. Before the transfusion, the blood group and rhesus (Rh) status of the donor and blood recipient will be matched first.

Benefits of Blood Transfusion

For those of you who experience conditions related to lack of blood, you definitely agree with the phrase "a drop of blood is so valuable". What are the conditions that can be helped with blood transfusions?
  • Lack of blood due to childbirth

  • There are some women who experience heavy bleeding after giving birth or often called postpartum hemorrhage. This condition can cause anemia (deficiency of red blood cells) and lead to death. Red blood cell transfusion is needed for this condition. Undergo surgery. During surgery you may lose a lot of blood which results in a decrease in the number of red blood cells.
  • Infection and burns

  • Blood plasma transfusion may be needed to treat extensive burns. In severe infections or sepsis also sometimes need to get a blood transfusion.
  • Suffers from cancer

  • Cancer can reduce the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in your body. This was compounded by drugs used in chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs can also reduce blood production.
  • Failure or severe liver damage

  • Patients with liver failure may need a blood plasma transfusion, especially if the production of blood clots in the body has been disrupted.
  • Blood disorders

  • People with blood disorders and patients undergoing stem cell transplantation treatment may need a transfusion of red blood cells and platelets.
  • People with thalassemia

  • Thalassemia is a condition in which the sufferer experiences a disruption in hemoglobin in red blood cells. If the condition is severe, the patient may need regular blood transfusions.

What are the Risks?

Generally, if done according to procedure, blood transfusions rarely result in complications. But there are still risks behind this medical step.
  • Fever

  • A feverish reaction can occur quickly during or after a transfusion. Generally, this is not a serious sign. However, there are also some serious reactions that are characterized by fever. Just in case, the doctor will stop the transfusion to carry out further tests.
  • Allergy

  • This happens because the immune system reacts to proteins or other substances in the blood that you receive. This reaction usually occurs quickly during or after the transfusion. You will experience common allergic symptoms, such as redness and skin
  • Infection

  • Before donating blood, every person must be examined if he is suffering from an infection that may be transmitted through blood. However, sometimes errors can occur and the contaminated blood passes the examination. For example, 1 in 2 million blood transfusions is contaminated with the HIV virus and about 1 in 205 thousand is contaminated with the hepatitis B virus.
  • Lung damage

  • The condition when your lungs will become inflamed within six hours after the transfusion. If inflammation is severe, lung damage can make it difficult for you to breathe. And will potentially cause lack of oxygen.
  • Fluid overload

  • This condition can cause the heart to be unable to pump enough blood throughout the body. Shortness of breath can also occur due to lungs filled with fluid. The risk of excess fluid is higher in older people who have serious illnesses, such as heart disease.
  • Iron overload

  • Blood transfusion can trigger excess iron in your blood. This can have a negative impact on certain organs, such as the liver and
  • Graft-versus-host disease.

  • This condition occurs due to the received white blood cells attacking the bone marrow tissue and the body's tissue receiving blood. This condition is often fatal and causes symptoms such as diarrhea, rashes and fever. Patients with this condition also experience liver disorders that can be identified through liver function tests.
Most people do not experience problems when receiving blood transfusions. However, if you feel a change in the condition of the body, especially during the process, immediately tell the doctor. Also make sure your blood transfusion is done in a hospital and under the advice and supervision of a doctor.


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